Here are some key tips to protect yourself against cyberattacks:

Use Strong and Unique Password.

Create long passwords of at least 15 characters using a mix of letters (lower and capital letters), numbers, and special characters. Use a different unique password for each account and consider using a password manager to generate and store them securely.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication.

 Enable multi-factor authentication on your important accounts whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. Use authenticartion apps on your phone, text message on your phone or temporary access codes to your email.

Be Cautious of Phishing Attempts.

 Over 90% of successful cyberattacks start with a phishing email. Think before clicking on links or entering sensitive information, especially from unsolicited messages.

Keep Software Updated.

 Turn on automatic software updates whenever possible for your operating systems, apps, and web browsers. Software updates often include critical security patches.

Use Antivirus/Security Software.

 Install reputable antivirus and internet security software on your devices and keep it updated. This helps protect against malware, viruses, and other threats.

Backup your data.

 Always back up your sensitive information and all the data on your devices on secure and reliable media from where in the event of an unexpected event, you can be operational again.

Avoid using open or public WiFi.

 Open or Public WiFi are favorite places where hackers trap their victims. Remember that on open or public WiFi your device can easily be reached by hackers and easily injected with a virus or malware and exploited in the following days.

Segment Home Networks.

 Separate your home network into different segments to limit the spread of any potential breach.

Use Virtual Private Network (VPN).

 Secure navegation and your internet connection on networks other than your home through VPN. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection establishes a secure and encrypted channel, protecting sensitive data transmitted over the network.

 Avoid browsing without a VPN when you are away from home, accessing your bank accounts or managing sensitive information or debit/credit cards on navegation browser.

 By following these cybersecurity best practices, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to cyberattacks and protect your sensitive data.